Semaglutide Weight Loss Program

Semaglutide Weight Loss - Before and After Results

We at Cassie Lane Aesthetics are excited to offer a Semaglutide injections weight loss program in Richmond, Virginia. This medication, is a protective factor, minimizing the risk of developing life-altering and potentially deadly conditions such as heart disease, high blood sugar and stroke.

We recognize that obesity is a chronic disease regulated by our hormones. So, being overweight is not a matter of willpower. We have the tools, science, and support to make a real difference in your weight.

When combined with our famous MIC Skinny Shot and state of the art weight loss coaching, Semaglutide works to achieve an optimal body weight. Our multi-dimensional approach to weight loss works with patients–not against them. In this manner, we get actual and sustained results—no more yo-yo dieting; no more gaining back all the weight that may have been lost (and then some). This program combines clinically proven medication, coaching and accountability which is a very powerful combination.

  • Weekly in-office Semaglutide injections. Semaglutide boosts the production of insulin. It decreases hunger by regulating the hormones responsible for body weight. This medication is appropriate for individuals aged 18 and older who are not pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have diabetes, speak with your primary care provider before taking Semaglutide.
  • Weekly MIC shots. Methionine Inositol Choline assists with our bodies’ natural metabolism and breaking down fat cells. MIC is further like “three shots in one” because we blend in B vitamins and amino acids to partly aid in the digestion of fats and carbohydrates.
  • One-on-one meetings with our weight loss prescribers. Our program favorably differentiates from the slew of others by providing real, substantive support. Weekly check-ins with one of our skilled practitioners also provide accountability. The presence of accountability partners has been proven to increase the odds of achieving goals, be it shedding a few pounds or running the first 5K or marathon.
  • Ongoing coaching and weight loss resources. We empower you with all the tools needed to stay in your best health. After completing an online form about your weight, medical history, and personal health goals, we will pair you with a coach to discuss the questionnaire results and embark on this life-changing journey to better health. Additional resources include an online coaching class and the Weight Loss by Brittany workbook. Generous discounts also help to remove any financial barriers to getting the tools you need for a lifetime of wellness.

Cassie Lane Aesthetics is excited that our program participants look better, feel better, have more energy, and report fewer aches and pains. Additionally, it has been found that a loss of five to 10% of one’s body weight reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, improves osteoarthritis, and prevents or delays the onset of Type 2 diabetes. Improved moods, physical function, and better sleep are also on the horizon for our program graduates!

Make your initial consultation appointment with us today. We are here to give you an in-depth understanding of the program and answer all of your questions. The initial appointment is completely free so you can make your best informed decision about if you want to join. Call (804) 913 2262 (Richmond, VA) with questions or to schedule an appointment. You may also reach us online via this website. To your health!

$50 charge for consultation which will be applied towards the weight loss program if you enroll.


What’s included:
In-office weekly appointments for administration of Semaglutide and MIC shots for 6 weeks


What’s included:
1mL vial of Semaglutide and injection supplies after initial in-office consultation with ongoing telemedicine and in-office visits as needed


What’s included:
In-office weekly appointments for administration of Semaglutide and MIC shots for 6 weeks

$1,600 ($100 Savings!)

What’s included:
3mL vial of Semaglutide and injection supplies after initial in-office consultation with ongoing telemedicine and in-office visits as needed

$1,400 ($100 Savings!)

What’s included:
In-office weekly appointments for administration of Semaglutide and MIC shots for 6 weeks, 3mL vial of Semaglutide and injection supplies after initial in-office consultation with ongoing telemedicine and in-office visits as needed

$1,400 ($100 Savings!)

What’s included:
In-office weekly appointments for administration of Semaglutide and MIC shots for 12 weeks, 3mL vial of Semaglutide and injection supplies after initial in-office consultation with ongoing telemedicine and in-office visits as needed

$2,100 ($200 Savings!)

3mL vial of Semaglutide and injection supplies after initial in-office consultation with ongoing telemedicine and in-office visits as needed


6 Week Comprehensive Weight Loss Program

6 Week Comprehensive Weight Loss Program
At Cassie Lane Aesthetics, they offer a weight loss program that combines medications, coaching, and accountability. One of the medications they use is Semaglutide, which replicates the hormone that signals fullness. This approach targets weight loss at the hormone level. They also provide metabolism-boosting shots to help process carbs and fats. The program includes a customized titration program for each individual. They invite people to schedule a consultation to learn more and get started on their weight loss journey.

Hi, I’m so excited to share with everybody the weight loss program that we have at Cassie Lane Aesthetics. It is a mixture of a couple different medications along with weight loss coaching and accountability in our office. We have Semaglutide, you’ll also hear it called Semiglutide, which is a medication that replicates our hormone that tells us that we’re full. And this is working better than any other weight loss medicine that we’ve seen in the past because it’s actually addressing our weight where it begins, which is at the hormone level and where our weight is really dictated by.

We also include metabolism boosting mix shots, which are also called skinny shots. Those help us to process carbs and fats. So, when we mix these things together along with our customized titration program that is made for you, we are seeing just such incredible results and we’re so happy to be on this journey with you.

We would love to answer any questions that you have and help you get to where you’re trying to be at.

Patient Testimonial

Semaglutide testimonial video
I started my weight loss journey with Cassie Lane Aesthetics 18 weeks ago. I was previously a client with Cassie Lane, and when I came in one day, I began talking to Cassie about my struggles with weight gain.

I started my weight loss journey with Cassie Lane Aesthetics 18 weeks ago. I was previously a client with Cassie Lane, and when I came in one day, I began talking to Cassie about my struggles with weight gain. I honestly had done everything I could have on my own, and I just kept seeing like the scale was going up and up and I started to feel hopeless. So that’s when she recommended the new weight loss program, and I’ve honestly had the most incredible experience. Everyone has been super supportive. If I have questions, I can call in. I’m really excited to be able to say that when I started, I was at my heaviest of 1 97, but this morning I was down to one 60. I’m still gonna keep going on my plan, and I know the scale’s gonna keep going down.

Frequently asked questions

How does semaglutide work?

Semaglutide mimics a hormone found in your body called GLP-1. This peptide therapy stimulates insulin production, sends signals to your brain telling you that you are full, and slows gastric emptying.

How much weight can I expect to lose on semaglutide?

It will be different for each patient. You can safely expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. For some, weight loss will be faster and some will be slower. Other factors such as diet and exercise will also affect weight.

How long do I need to take semaglutide?

Semaglutide was intended to be a maintenance medication for weight loss. We have broken the program down into 6 week increments for affordability for our clients. Most clients should expect to be on this medication for at least 3 months. This again will vary depending on side effects, weight loss goals, rate of weight loss, and financial resources.

Will my insurance cover this medication for me?

There are many insurance companies and plans. As a general rule of thumb, we encourage patients with type 2 diabetes and a BMI greater than 30 with a health-related comorbidity (type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and hypertension) to explore insurance reimbursement for this medication. We encourage you to do your own research.

Does Cassie Lane Aesthetics take insurance?

We can prescribe medications that may be covered through your prescription insurance plan. This is a part of our Prescription Insurance Membership. We will work with you and your insurance to see if you are eligible. And you still get access to all the other great weight loss tools we have!

Why is the medication cheaper at Cassie Lane Aesthetics than at my pharmacy?

We are utilizing a compounding pharmacy to prepare a generic form of the weight loss medication. You can think of this as when you go to the pharmacy and there is the brand name medication (for example Advil) and then the generic or pharmacy/grocery brand alternative (ibuprofen).

How often should I take this medication?

Due to the long half life of this medication (6.8 days), semaglutide is intended to be injected once every 7 days. Due to side effects, medication should only be taken every 7 days according to the titration schedule provided.

Before & After Results